
.everyone & everything counts.

.even the past.
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.designed by.

ichigo ^_^

Thursday, October 06, 2005

¡What a cruel world we live in¡

Shortly after i finished chatting with dora on msn, I received an email from my "inspiration". It was basically a reply to qns i asked her last weekend on why the good are often not rewarded in the way they expected, but rather, hurt once and once again. I feel for dora who was hurt so deeply by that bastard....!! This was wat my "inspiration" wrote to me:

For the most part, we live in a cruel, uncaring world. It is a world full of bitterness and hatred, strife, looking out for No. 1, and violence. Sin is the culprit and it's been this way since sin entered into the world and people forgot God.

We live in a world where we won't take responsibility for our actions. We blame the past and anything and anyone for the evil that we do. We live in a apathetic society where evil is looked on as good, and we come down on anyone who fights and speak out against the evil. We're mean and nasty to each other, and those that profess to follow God do mean things to others all in the name of God to justify their evil actions.

"It's not fair" is the oft-heard cry of those who feel cheated because things did not work out the way they wanted them to. Well, it's not a fair world we live in. Get that through your head. Children make these statements. It's time to put away childish things and grow up. This is the human tendency, wanting to establish right and wrong on the basis of what happens to us personally. This is the "me first" mentality that is so prevalent in the world. Let me ask you a question. Answer if you can. How can justice be administered for all of the human race if personal satisfaction is the standard?

God gave us the gift of life with all it many choices and He also gave us the Bible with its commandment approach contained within its pages against which to measure justice. Personal, subjective standards cannot define absolute truth. Only through God's objective, holy standards can true and ultimate justice be obtained. It's time to stop grasping for the wind such as the American dream and start letting go of the things hindering us from finding God and teaching our children the same.

Blaming the past and something else for the way we act now will only make things worse. Get rid of your bitterness, hatred and the things that hinder you from being a better person. Don't you know, as long as we hang on to these thing God will be forever lost to us. We're not God, so we can't forget what happened to us, but God gave us the power to let go; we shld use it wherever and whenever necessary.

The above text may have sounded harsh but it was definitely a straight-forward way to convey the message it was meant to bring across. Personally, I've never been hurt so deeply by a guy before so i'll never understand how terrible that feeling is. But from wat happened to my close frens over the years, i can more or less feel and understand. Which is why i refuse to commit to any relationship till this day, i always believed this saying: A heart is not a toy, if you want it broken, Just give it to a boy. He'll hold you in his arms and say he loves you until he sees another girl, then he'll say, "To hell with you!"

Don't we smtimes wished that we were a little kid again... coz skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts...

**To dora: My "inspiration" has been divorced twice... but she hasn't given up on finding the right guy up till this day! So you shldn't either! And I'm sure that ass will be punished in future!! At least u found out wat kind of a guy he really is now! Glad u discovered many worthy friendships after this bad experience. Don't push anything too hard, if it's meant to be, it will happen!! All the bittterness and hatred u feel now will only be transient, hope u will better when we're in disneyland!! haha~