Whee..... hoy es jueves....
Haven't blogged for a few days... noe why? coz the previous skin did not work.. damn... anyway, i've inserted a mini-jukebox.... juz select the song u want and click on "Ahora". Let it load.... and ta-dah.... it'll start playing... mi favorito es Harmony.... *56K users not suggested to try, unless of course u've the patience*....
Supposed to swim today... but erm... unforeseen circumstances came up so.. gonna go window-shopping later..... weather's OK today.... not exactly that fantastic.. but al'right.... feeling nostalgic again... not sure why... i miss everyone in s'pore..... too bad I can only go back in dec.... hopefully before x'mas..... *sniff sniff*
Did self-manicure 2 days ago.... my nails look great.... light pink nail polish... *lol* will upload the fotos of my hands later... if i do bother to get my cuzzy to take it.... Oh <> will be out tmr... wonder if i'll be able to drag my lazy cuzzy out to watch it with me.... *evil laughter*
.... hmmm what shld I do now..... think i'm gonna watch some shows.... bored..... or mayb work on my spanish...... hope to post some pics later! Hasta luego!
** Finances have run amok,
** creditors I soon must duck,
** I cast this spell to find good luck,
** and hope my life will cease to suck.