Juz showing off a little...
Followed by my big gift:
Suspense is in the air... LOL
A Louis Vuitton pouch!!! haha~ ain't it pretty??!!
She is so freaking sweet!!! At times like this.. and then there was the bday dinner which she whipped up juz for moi... and a sweet card. Hmmm
Ok, next up. Present by my precious roomie!! Haha~from my favourite Hèrmes!!! OMG...
A pair of red WINE GLASSES from Hèrmes!!! Juz in case u dun noe, Hèrmes are famous for their wine glasses!!! It's so freaking cute!! Can u see the extended "H" there?? haha~ Anyway, juz to digress a little.. my hairstylist gave me bday gift too. It was an unexpected one though.. haha~ coz i went for my hair retouch a few hrs before my bday celebration and he was like askin me where I was heading after my hair was all set. So i told him and he was so sweet!! Gave me a bar of soap from SABON!! Goodness...
Now u noe why I love the japanese!! haha~ So anyway, I received smthin from Sephora!!! A whole makeup palette!! It's awful pretty!! Look at the pics and u'll noe wat i mean!
See wat i mean?? LOL.... Not forgetting a bottle of my favorite Riesling ice wine and also another bottle of perfume to be added to my collection. Salvatore Ferragamo!! Mmmmm...... of course, i'm still faithful to my Hèrmes!! HMPH... Gonna post more pics up soon... that's it for now! ciao!